00:30 beyond 第三个预告片放出,新歌"Sledgehammer"出炉
02:31 新歌歌词"I hit a wall" 说的是年轻Chekov扮演者 Anton Yelchin吗?
05:08 网页内有 The official plot description:
After stopping off at Starbase Earhart, a remote outpost on the fringes of Federation space, the USS Enterprise, halfway into their five-year mission, is destroyed by a powerful, unstoppable wave of unknown aliens. With the crew stranded on a unknown planet and with no apparent means of rescue, they find themselves in conflict with a new ruthless enemy who has a well-earned hatred of the Federation and what it stands for.
05:26 Starbase Earhart
11:14 Hillary Clinton promised to release Area 51 documents
11:50 一点基于纯(yin)脑(mou)洞(lun)的猜测,小朋友们不要相信哦
18:01 育碧发布星际迷航VR游戏
21:42 勘误:「NASA在研制曲速引擎」系误传,其实那只是记者们单方面想搞大新闻而已。
- Is Warp Drive Real?
- NASA's EM Drive Test Shows 'Warp Drive' Engine Works — Does EmDrive Break Isaac Newton's Laws Of Physics?
22:19 俄罗斯计划20年内实现瞬间转移技术
23:09 FAST 五百米口径球面射电望远镜
24:08 为何要探索太空?——NASA马歇尔太空飞行中心科学部门副主管Ernst Stuhlinger博士给赞比亚修女Sister Mary Jucunda的信
32:13 官方出台粉丝电影守则
33:44 再续原初
36:26 背景音乐乃人工智能Google _Magenta_之作品
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